Project Description

Engage Woking Schools is a registered Christian Schools charity, managed by an experienced Board of Trustees with a broad range of skills and backgrounds.  Our work is made possible through the continued support of our dedicated team of talented Youth Workers and volunteers.

Click on the images to learn more about the team.

Core Team

Shelley Blunden
Shelley BlundenDirector of Schools Work
Bisi Olaye
Bisi OlayeMentoring Lead
Bronwen Hall
Bronwen HallSchools Worker
Liz Edwards
Liz EdwardsAdministrator

Youth Workers & Team Leaders

Matt Burage
Matt BurageYouth Worker at ChristChurch, Woking
Patrick Coad
Patrick CoadYouth & Community Worker at St. Andrew's Church, Goldsworth Park
Phil Ray
Phil RayYouth Worker at United Reform Church, Woking
Brian Henry
Brian HenryAssembly Team Leader from Welcome Church, Woking


Helen Best
Helen BestVolunteer Trustees Secretary


Jon Hills
Jon HillsChair of Trustees
Shirley Morris
Shirley MorrisDesignated Safeguarding Lead
Codge Vullo
Codge VulloTreasurer
Simon Pearce
Simon PearceTrustee
Rev. Jonathan Thomas
Rev. Jonathan ThomasTrustee
Paul Kingston
Paul KingstonTrustee
Jo Birkby
Jo BirkbyTrustee