Sharing the Gospel in local schools
As we come to the end of this academic year, we are pleased to tell you about some of the highlights of our work in sharing the Christian
message in schools and colleges in the Woking area, through faith, hope and love.
Easter assembly is always a challenge to deliver, but this year – thanks to the scriptwriter and assembly team – the Easter story was told through a conversation between two donkeys. In our short drama “A Tale of Two Donkeys” the animals recalled who they had carried and when, which helped children and adults make the connections between Christmas and Easter. One school commented: “it was a clever way of delivering the message, and the children will remember the connections”.
You can view the Easter assembly here.

This Year’s Highlights
We have created Prayer Spaces by transforming classrooms into spaces where primary children can come to spend time away from their normal school day. They can reflect on themselves and their lives, ask God for forgiveness, let go of worries, consider their hopes and dreams, and what makes them who they are. The Head Teacher of one Primary School said: “Engage’s activities enrich our school values and vision by enabling children to reflect on spiritual matters”.
Christian Unions continue to be a place where students come to explore what being a Christian today means to them, and where those who are exploring their faith can share and learn. At Woking College we now have 30 young people registered – praise the Lord!
In addition to weekly meetings we have guest speaker events. This year during Black History month, Rev Stephen Ansa-Addo came to share his thoughts with Woking College Students. In September Justin Brierley will come in to launch Christian Union.

It’s Your Move was again delivered successfully to schools in Woking. These sessions are always appreciated by the schools and the children as it helps them process the move from Primary to Secondary school, which can be a daunting time. Through games and teaching they often feel better after the session than when they came in. This year we went into nine schools in partnership with local churches.
Our “sub brands”: Faith, Hope and Love
As the portfolio of our work has grown, we spent time this year examining how activities fit into our Vision. We discussed how our activities fit into the three strands of our work, which we call our “sub-brands”: faith, hope and love. This enables us to fundraise for specific works and also enables you, our supporters, to specify that you would like to support a particular area of our work through your donations.

Prayer Prompts
Please give thanks for:
All the volunteers that help us deliver the prayer club, Christian Unions, Assemblies and ad hoc events.
All the doors that have opened and remain open to us.
All the staff and children we meet and have yet to meet.
Please pray for:
Rest and refreshment for the whole team this summer, as well as for staff and children at schools.
The activities we are planning for the next academic year.
The overall vision of Engage: “Enabling the Christian message to be heard in schools and college”
School Assemblies, Christian Unions, Prayer Clubs, Prayer Spaces and Mentoring.