Engage’s Vision, Mission & Strategy
If we’ve not met before, I’m Simon Pearce, a relatively new trustee here at Engage with a focus on helping shape the charity’s Strategy.
It will come as no surprise, I hope, that as a team we are passionate about young people in the Woking area and, we’re also passionate about the Gospel. So, when we had our Vision and Strategy morning last year, we found it pretty simple to agree on the fundamentals of Who, Why, How and What. Knowing and being clear on; Who we aim to serve, Why we want to serve them, and How we aim to do it, has really helped to shape the important “What” that we deliver.

So, our Who, Why and How are these…
- Who we serve = The Educational Community in the Woking Area
- Why we want to serve them = So they hear and experience the Bible’s Messages
- How we aim to do it = Through; Faith, Hope & Love
And the What… well that’s what you see happening day to day in the Woking schools and college; it’s the Christian Union’s, the Assemblies, the Prayer Clubs, the Guest Speaker Events, the Mentoring, the Prayer Spaces and so on.
We have formalized the Who, Why and How into our clear Mission and Vision statements…
Our Mission: Enabling the Christian message to be heard in schools and colleges
Our Vision: Share and demonstrate Faith, Hope and Love with the educational community in the Woking area
And to help us deliver on this Mission and Vision we have three core strategic delivery strands where we group together our ‘what’ activities…they are;
Hope, and,
These three things run through the heart of our Vision and are key to our Mission.
If you’re reading this update (and have got this far through), thank you for your continued support and please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or comments. We will continue to develop and refine our strategy, setting ourselves clear objectives and reporting on what we have delivered right here in this newsletter.
What’s happened this term at Engage?
We have had a very busy half term at Engage sowing the seeds of Gods love and hope in hope schools. Some of the highlights have been:
- We celebrated our 25year anniversary – thank you for being part of the Engage family and coming along to help us celebrate.
- Delivered 2 prayer spaces one at Kingfield Schools and another at Horsell Junior, children enjoyed attending and one 8 year old girl said, ‘it was lovely to spend time with God and be me’.
- 31 Christian Unions at secondary school looking at the various topics from walking through the Gospel of John, Holy Holistic Wellbeing through the story of Elijah to exploring Holy week and the Easter story.
- 10 Primary Schools clubs – including prayer club
- Taking into schools the Easter assembly the dramatized story of the ‘Tale of two donkeys’ as well as recording it to send out to schools to use if they didn’t get a live version.
- – Delivering our very first bespoke wellbeing assembly through drama. Telling the story of Jesus walking on the water through the eyes of 3 characters Fear, Joy and Anger.
- Approximately 42, 1-2-1 mentoring sessions delivered
God is good and has blessed us with so many opportunities to sow the seeds of the Christian message.
Saturday 1st July 2023 is a new event for young people to gather, explore the Christian faith, and have an opportunity to encounter God for themselves. There will be upbeat praise worship, guest speaker Justin Brierley, writer and radio presenter About – Justin Brierley, helping us explore the theme What’s the Point, Why You?, Why God? and a range of activities to enjoy as a way of response including, sports, art, prayer labyrinth and a quieter reflective space. Younger Youth (school years 7-9) 3pm to 7pm, and Older Youth (school years 10-13) 6pm to 10pm, with food during the 6-7 overlap. This event is arranged by Engage and Youth Workers from the churches of Woking for our young people who are already involved in our work in the churches or school/college programmes and for those who are not involved yet but are keen to hear and explore more.
Prayer Prompts
As we move into the next term please could we ask for your prayers in the areas below. Please pray for the following:
Planning of Its Your Move Sessions for Year 6 students moving to Year 7.
Numbers of children that attend Christian Unions to keep growing.
Encounter event for funding, volunteers and all the different elements that need to come together.
Funding applications being researched and submitted.
Good health and energy of the team.
Get Involved!
For us to continue taking dramatised assemblies into schools we need more volunteers. It is fun, flexible and you can choose which assemblies you would like to help with. If you would like to serve but can’t on a Sunday, why not serve through Engage? If this interests you
please contact Shelley NOW by emailing office@engagewoking.org.